Snitch Family History

Snitch Family History is a website dedicated to the family tree of the Snitch family. Peter Snitch realised that he didn’t know his grandparents and only knew of his immediate family. He, therefore, decided to research his whole family and record his findings on a website. The website was also a place where Snitch families from around the world could also leave pictures and comments.

When the Snitch family approached JPS Media to work on this project, we were touched that they had decided to work with us. We knew that we would need to approach this project with sensitivity as Peter Snitch was terminally ill. We worked closely with Peter to ensure that the website was exactly what he wanted before he passed away in 2019.

We designed this website in a way that made the whole website look like a scrap book where you could add information and pictures. We wanted to bring a warmth to this family history website, whilst also displaying the history of the Snitch family.

The Snitch Family wanted to be able to add more photos and comments on to the website after we had finished building and designing the website. Therefore, we made adding comments and photos as simple as possible. We feel that we built a beautiful and touching website for the Snitch Family, A website that both ourselves, and the Snitch family were extremely proud of.

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