ECigarette Man provides all of the products you need to smoke ECigarattes. They sell different e-cigs in different sizes and styles. They also sell different flavours of liquids and even sell batteries for your cigarette.
In order to expand their reach, ECigaratte Man understood that they needed to take their business online. This is why they contacted JPS Media. We explained to them that they would need us to design and build them an eCommerce website. We discussed what they required from their website and set about designing the first draft.
We presented the products available on different pages on the website. This allowed the user to narrow their search to what they wanted to purchase. If you present all the available products on a single page of a website, the user will become overwhelmed. This may result in the user clicking onto the website of a competitor. This would mean that the website fails in making your business succeed online.
An eCommerce website should allow the user to add products to a shopping cart and checkout in a straight forward way. This is why we made the process as simple as possible. Having a straight forward checkout process fives the user a positive experience, meaning that they will return to your website and recommend you to their friends and relatives.