Easy Peasy Hosting came to JPS Media because they required a hosting website built from scratch. They didn’t have a current website so we were excited to be able to start Easy Peasy Hosting on they journey to success online. In order to succeed online, Easy Peasy Hosting needed all of the different types of available hosting to be clearly displayed on their website. We, therefore ensured that these details were displayed on the homepage. When you design a website for a company, you need to discuss what they want from the website. It is therefore, important that you focus on this when you are designing a website. Here at JPS Media, we always ensure that we understand exactly what our client requires right from the start of the project. Thus, ensuring that every website we have built works for our clients and makes them successful online. Our clients and their aspirations are always at the heart of everything we do.
Easy Peasy Hosting is a website hosting company based in York. They were created in order to provide affordable hosting for businesses up and down the country. They offer an excellent service to their clients. Easy Peasy Hosting understands that no matter how good looking or smartly designed a website is, that website counts for nothing if it isn’t tailored to your target audience. A web hosting company, like Easy Peasy Hosting, will help nurture your business and prop it up in order for you to create a vital tool for your business.
This company cares about their customers. They understand how having the right hosting company behind a business, will truly help that business succeed online. This is why they only offer competitive prices to all of their customers. They are also at hand to help with domain names. As you will probably know, your domain name will affect how well your business succeeds. A poorly chosen domain name can really affect how your business is seen on the Internet.
Easy Peasy Hosting came to JPS Media in order for us to build them a brand new website that would showcase the services they have to offer. They wanted the website to be easy to use, whilst also being informative. We worked closely with them to ensure that we built them a website that we could all be proud of.
In order to start building this website, we firstly needed to understand the aims of the business. The aims of Easy Peasy Hosting included being able to offer competitive prices for their customers. They also wanted their business plan to be easy to understand and be straight forward. They wanted this to be portrayed through their website.
We decided to use the teddy bears for the slider as this showed the user that the pricing plan offered by Easy Peasy Hosting was easy to understand. We wanted it to look almost like child’s play. The teddies also allowed us to include a bit of fun into a website that was intended for a serious topic. We feel that combining the two aspects allowed us to build a fun and attractive website.
Creating the little pea in the logo and using this pea throughout the website added a fun cute feel to the overall website. It also allowed us to bring the fun name of the business through the whole website. Therefore, we were able to use the branding of the business to ensure that we had continuity through every page. We wanted to ensure that the user knew which site they were in even when they weren’t on the home page.
As we have already stated, the main aim of Easy Peasy Hosting was to offer affordable hosting to their customers. They wanted a tiered pricing structure, and the cost would depend on what the customers require from their hosting package. Therefore, we realised that it was extremely important to show the costs of the different packages on the home page. This made it obvious to the user. They would, therefore, be able to make an informed decision as to which plane to choose from. We made separate pages for each of the hosting plans, and these different pages were accessed with just the click of a button.
We also built in a blog page where people could visit for answers to any commonly asked question that they may have. This page is easy to use and navigate around. Thus, ensuring that the user didn’t become overwhelmed with information. This page is easy to read and the perfect place for someone to visit so that they can understand what website hosting actually is.
JPS Media truly enjoyed working with Easy Peasy Hosting. They were open to our ideas and suggestions which made our job more enjoyable and hassle-free. We enjoyed combing the seriousness of hosting with the more playful aspects of the website, including the teddy bears and the little pea. JPS Media feel that we were successful in building a website that truly sells Easy Peasy Hosting as an affordable hosting business. We have a built a cute, fun, informative website that both JPS Media and Easy Peasy Hosting can be proud of!