Compare The Motor Trade

Compare The Motor Trade wanted a website that would allow their users to search for garages in their local area. They also wanted the user to be able to read and leave reviews about the garages. This meant that they would need a bespoke interactive website building for their business. This is why they approached JPS Media.

JPS Media understand that some clients don’t want a website that works the same as everyone else’s website. We understand that the client may need a website that works in a particular way, specific to their individual business needs. This is why, here at JPS Media, we offer to build bespoke websites. Therefore, we were excited by the opportunity to build this website for Compare The Motor Trade.

In order to build a website that would work for this client, we knew that we would need to build a beautiful, elegant and interactive website. Therefore, we built and designed an interactive map into the website. This allowed the user to view potential garages in their area. The map would allow the user to click on the garage, and then the website would take them to a separate page where they could either read, or leave reviews. This was an extremely successful website and we enjoyed developing it for our client.

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