Museum & Gardens In Pocklington

We have worked with Burnby Hall Gardens and Museum for a number of years now, so we were happy to work closely with them again on the revamp of their website. We had built their previous website so we knew that we would work well as a team.

Burnby Hall Gardens have had a new logo designed, so we decided to bring the colours used in the new logo into the whole design of the website. This is a good idea to do as this creates a brand for the business. It also builds trust between the user and the business.

One of the main aims of this new website was to show the user that the gardens were beautiful and worth a visit all year round, not just during the Summer months. We, therefore, ensured that the slide show on the home page incorporated pictures of the gardens through all four seasons. This is a very quick and efficient way to deliver a message to the user. Pictures are just as important on a website as the text on it. A picture can convey what you are wanting to say to the user at a single glance. A well chosen picture can help reduce the amount of text needed, which means that the website isn’t cluttered or overwhelming to the user. 

In order to ensure that this was a successful rebuild, the client wanted their content presented clearly on the website. They also wanted the user to be able to navigate the website easily. Therefore, we built a page for each different area of the garden. In order to improve the usability of the website, we included relevant, informative text on each page. The images used on each page were carefully selected to ensure that they were relevant to the text on the pages. We also ensured that the layout of the text and images on each page were similar throughout the whole website. This continuity would help build trust in the company. 

Being able to manage their own website was extremely important to Burnby Hall Gardens. Therefore, we ensured that we built an easy to use content management system into the website. This would allow the client to update and add their own content. Once we were happy with the system we had built, we worked closely with Burnby Hall Gardens to ensure that they understood how to use the system. Once they were confident with the system, we went live with the website. This is exactly what we did with the original website, and it worked extremely well. 

We feel that this was a successful rebuilt. The website looks up to date with its new colours and layout and is extremely easy to use. JPS Media enjoyed working with Burnby Hall Gardens and are very happy with the website we built!

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