Arch Household services are based in Darlington. They offer services to both commercial and private customers. They offer internal and external work and always ensure the best possible service. Arch Household Services usually rely on word of mouth to attract new clients, however, they realised that they could achieve a wider reach if they had a website. This is why they approached JPS Media.
We spoke to Arch household Services in depth before starting this project. We do this with all of our clients so that we can fully understand what they require from their website. This client wanted a website that truly showcased the services that they offered. We, therefore, decided to display all of the different services on separate pages. This was so the user could see the wide range if services at a glance.
In order to add a personal touch to the website, we decided to use a little character throughout the website. We feel that it is important to have a feature that flows through a website. This is so every page is similar to the previous page. This builds up trust between the company and their customers.